Properties :
Tetracycline is bacteriostatic antibiotic with a wide spectrum of activity against bacteria and have been used in the treatment of large number of Infections caused by susceptible organisms such as :staphylococcus aureus .streptococci including :
Pneumococcus – escherichia coli – neisseria species – chlamydia trachomatous.
Tetracycline dose not provide adequate coverage against haemophilus Influenzae , klebsilla , Enterobacter species , pseudomonas aeruginosa , serratia marcescens .
Indications :
Biomycine ophthalmic ointment is used for the treatment of superficial ocular infections susceptible to Tetracycline .
Contra-indications :
This product is contraindicated in person who have been shown hypersensitivity to any of the tetracyclines .
Precautions :
The use of any anti-biotics occasionally may result in overgrowth of non susceptible organisms .
Constant observation of the patient is essential .
Adverse reactions :
Dermatities symptomatology have been reported , if adverse reactions or idiosyncrasy occurs , discontinue medication and institue appropriate therapy .
Dosage And Administration :
Apply directly to the affected area every 2 hours or more as the severity of the infection and the degree of response . Chronic and severe ocular infections may require treatment for many days . Moderate ocular infections may responses for therapy within 48 hours .
Packaging :
Tube of 5 gram .